Explore the Unique Museum of Brands at Notting Hill

Notting hill london

London is known for its several popular museums worldwide. There are some museums that instantly come to mind for those planning a trip to London. However, one museum that truly stands apart is the Museum of Brands in Notting Hill. Step back in time and explore the fascinating history of consumer culture at this unique museum that houses a vast collection of packaging, advertising, and marketing materials from the Victorian era to the present day. If you’ve always had a knack for marketing, or simply want to go hundreds of years back on a journey through social change, this museum, only moments away from the opulent Queens Park Hotel in London, is perfect for you.

A Walk-Through Consumer History

The Time Tunnel is the museum’s permanent exhibition, curated by consumer historian Robert Opie, who has been collecting these items for over 50 years. He started the museum in Gloucester in 1984, and it moved to Notting Hill in 2005. As of today, the exhibition is divided into different sections, each of which focuses on a different era.

The spectacular Time Tunnel exhibition at the Museum of Brands is chronologically arranged, and it takes you through a journey of how consumers and brands have evolved from the Victorian era to present day. As you walk through this exhibition, you’ll see a variety of objects that reflect the changing tastes and trends of old and popular brands in each era.

You’ll witness packaging from popular brands, toys and games, magazines, newspapers, and even advertising posters. The museum also explores the impact of major events on consumer culture. For example, you’ll see how the two world wars led to changes in the way food was packaged and distributed.

So, whether you’re a nostalgia enthusiast or if the history of world intrigues you, grab the best

What’s In Store for You at The Museum of Brands?

This eclectic mix of collectables here provides a broader backdrop to the everyday evolution of marketing trends and beautifully portrays how brands changed over time, and what makes them successful. Museum of Brands is also home to a cosy café and a subtropical garden to grab a bite and relax in before you head back to your luxurious hotel near Paddington Station London.

The Museum of Brands is your one and only chance to see and learn everything about the history and evolution of some of your favourite brands. It’s also a great way to see how the things we buy, and use have changed over time, and how they reflect the social and cultural changes of each era.

From old candy wrappers to vintage toys, the cool and vibrant appeal of this museum is perfect if you are looking for something unique to do in London. Be part of this very intriguing journey through time, as you book yourself a stay at a perfect family accommodation in London.