Key Etiquettes for a Top Pub Grub Experience in London


Pubs hold a significant place in British culture, boasting a long history as venues for socialising, unwinding, and of course, enjoying beverages. Being well-versed in the city’s pub grub etiquette will essentially help you have an enjoyable experience. If you’re planning to visit London, book an opulent stay at the Queens Park Hotel, nestled in the heart of the city, and follow these tips to assist you in exploring the exceptional pub culture scene near you, like a local.

Ordering at the Bar

Heading to a pub next to your hotel near Hyde Park? What you must know is that table service at London’s bars is rare. When you arrive, place your order at the bar, and pay for it all at once. You can ask to run a tab to keep adding to your order if you like. In fact, if you’re not sure what to order, ask the bartender for food and drink recommendations. They’ll be happy to help you with the day’s special or their signature dishes & drinks to choose from.


Tipping in London pubs is not mandatory, but it is customary to leave a small tip if you are satisfied with the service. In the past, it was common to offer the bartender a drink as a tip. However, this tradition is becoming less common, as many bars now forbid staff from drinking while on duty (a good decision indeed). A better way to tip if you’re at a pub close to your hotel near Paddington is to leave a cash tip. You can either leave it on the bar or hand it to the bartender directly. If you are planning to order food, feel free to leave the tip on the table. In London, tipping is especially appreciated by bar staff who are earning a minimum wage. A modest yet meaningful gesture!


Another great way to socialise and bond is when you’re with a group at a pub in London, you must buy rounds of drinks for each other. Being the long-standing tradition in Britain that it is, this means that each person takes turns buying drinks for the entire group. The rounds do not have to be the same cost, as people may change their drink choice over the course of the evening or skip a drink if they haven’t finished. The idea is that everyone takes care of each other and that everything evens out over time.

Personal Space

It is perfectly acceptable to talk to strangers in a British pub, especially if you are standing or sitting at the bar. This is one of the joys of British pub culture, where people from all walks of life can meet and interact on equal terms. Also, do not park yourself uninvited at someone else’s table. If you are unsure whether it is appropriate to approach someone, it is always best to err on the side of caution and ask first.

In contrast to some other countries where pubs may be perceived as simple spaces for drinking, London’s pubs hold great cultural and traditional value. So, while you look out for discounts on hotels in Bayswater for an enviably located stay, acquaint yourself with the London pub grub etiquette, because you’re going to need it!