The Ultimate 2 Day Itinerary For London

The Ultimate 2 Day Itinerary For London

There is a lot to see and do in London. It’s a gigantic city with a lot to offer- so how on earth are you supposed to tick all the things off your list?

Well the answer is, unfortunately, you won’t be able to see and do everything. Managing expectations is important when planning a trip. On the bright side though, it means you’ll have to come back and visit again!

Book a room at The Queens Park Hotel London; not only is it super central giving you the best chance to see as much as possible, but it’s also home to one of the best hotel restaurants London has to offer.

Now let’s take a look at how to best spend two days in the capital.

Day 1 – See the Sights

Fill up at one of the best breakfast restaurants London hotels can offer at the Queens Park Hotel- you’re gonna need the energy. Day 1 is walking the city and getting to know the vibe of the streets.

Hyde Park

Explore nature in this wondrous park, check out The Serpentine Lake and lounge on the grass.

Thanks to your hotels near Royal Albert Hall, you’ll be able to see the magnificent hall with ease. Then cross the park to the south east corner, and head to Buckingham.

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace

Enjoy the magnificent palace, keep an eye out for the King and maybe try and catch the Changing of the Guard ceremony- it’s free to view!

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

After crossing the stunning St. James’ Park you’ll find yourself in Westminster- home of the British government.

Westminster Abbey is hard to miss, it’s the tallest and most magnificent building in the area. An Ancient gothic church that has played host to Royal weddings, coronations and state funerals.

Houses of Parliament & Big Ben

Houses of Parliament & Big Ben

Just behind you now is the UK’s parliament building. Another fine example of architecture, and home to the world renowned ‘Big Ben’.

South Bank & the London Eye

From here you can cross the Thames, and arrive on the South Bank.

It’s always a hive of activity here, and it is one of the best walks in the city. Head to the London Eye for even better views then climb aboard a river taxi.

Tower of London & Tower Bridge

Once you reach Tower Bridge, get back on dry land and you can explore one of London’s most ancient buildings; The Tower of London.

You can also tour Tower Bridge, or simply wait for it to open and enjoy the magnificent sight.

Day 2 – Culture & Cool Locations

You’ll be exhausted after day 1. That was a lot of walking; so day 2 is a little easier. Pick a couple of spots and enjoy the culture and the buzz of the city.

Covent Garden

Covent Garden is a great place to head for a bit of shopping, or watching the world class street performers do their thing.


If you’re looking for food, then this is the place to be. Some of the best Asian restaurants can be found here, and the dumplings in particular are pretty special.

Camden Town & Market

Camden Town & Market

Camden is undeniably cool. Vintage clothes, great food and killer music is everywhere here. Youth culture rules, and there is something to do for everyone.

The Museums & Galleries

museums and galleries

If you fancy a bit of art and history, then London is probably the best city in the world for it. Check out some of the incredible museums and galleries- many of them are free to enter!

2 Days in the City

So there you have it, two days in London- now get out there and explore this incredible city.